River Front

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ready? Set...FLY

     On the way to my new life or reality…college, Yet here I sit in the backseat of the fully packed Toyota, listening to my mom talk about the wacky lightening storm and how God must have made it happen just for her to be entertained while driving the long six hour drive to my new home. May I add she is on her third CD while my dad yells “Please put both hands on the wheel!” Bee gees is the favorite so far…every word is memorized and sung karaoke style, with a few claps every now in then. Don’t worry I took off the earphones for a song or two to get a laugh, and possibly sing along; )…The hours are numbered, soon I will have to part from the ones who taught me to love the Bee Gees and keep both hands on the wheel...at all times. Oh I will miss you mom and dad, you taught me everything I know…but now it’s time to spread my wings and fly!
With an anxious heart,
                         Sweet Karoline ; )


  1. I love you miss karoline. at 2 a.m. when i should be doing hw..you have made me smile. miss you

  2. Love the blog my dear! How do you get that cool font?
